Source code for gramfuzz.fields

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

This module defines all of the core gramfuzz fields:

* Float
* UFloat
* Int
* UInt
* Join
* Opt
* Or
* Q
* Ref
* String

Each field has a ``build()`` method, which accepts one argument
(``pre``) that can be used to assign prerequisites of the build result.

import codecs
from collections import deque
import json
import inspect
import os
import six

from gramfuzz import GramFuzzer
import gramfuzz.errors as errors
import gramfuzz.rand as rand
import gramfuzz.utils as utils
from gramfuzz.utils import binstr, maybe_binstr

[docs]class MetaField(type): """Used as the metaclass of the core :any:`gramfuzz.fields.Field` class. ``MetaField`` defines ``__and__`` and ``__or__`` and ``__repr__`` methods. The overridden and and or operatories allow classes themselves to be wrapped in an :any:`gramfuzz.fields.And` or :any:`gramfuzz.fields.Or` without having to instantiate them first. E.g. the two lines below are equivalent: .. code-block:: python And(Int(), Float()) (Int & Float) Or(Int(), Float()) (Int | Float) Do note however that this can only be done if the first (farthest to the left) operand is a Field class or instance. E.g. the first line below will work, but the second line will not will not: .. code-block:: python Or(5, Int) 5 | Int It is also recommended that using the overloaded ``&`` and ``|`` operators should only be done in very simple cases, since it is impossible for the code to know the difference between the two statements below: .. code-block:: python (Int | Float) | Uint Int | Float | UInt """ def __and__(self, other): """Wraps this field and the other field in an ``And`` """ if isinstance(other, And) and other.rolling: other.values.append(self) return other else: return And(self, other, rolling=True) def __or__(self, other): """Wraps this field and the other field in an ``Or`` """ if isinstance(other, Or) and other.rolling: other.values.append(self) return other else: return Or(self, other, rolling=True) def __repr__(self): return "<{}>".format(self.__name__)
[docs]class Field(six.with_metaclass(MetaField)): """The core class that all field classes are based one. Contains utility methods to determine probabilities/choices/min-max/etc. """ shortest_is_nothing = False """This is used during :any:`gramfuzz.GramFuzzer.find_shortest_paths`. Sometimes the fuzzer cannot know based on the values in a field what that field's minimal behavior will be. Setting this to ``True`` will explicitly let the ``GramFuzzer`` instance know what the minimal outcome will be. *NOTE* when implementing a custom Field subclass and setting ``shortest_is_nothing`` to ``True``, be sure to handle the case when ``build(shortest=True)`` is called so that a ``gramfuzz.errors.OptGram`` error is raised (which skips the current field from being generated). """ min = 0 max = 0x100 odds = [] """``odds`` is a list of tuples that define probability values. Each item in the list must be a tuple of the form: .. code-block:: python (X, Y) Where ``X`` is the probability percent, and where ``Y`` is one of the following: * A single value * A list/tuple containing two values, the min and max of a range of numbers. Note that the sum of each probability percent in the list must equal 1.0. """ def __and__(self, other): """Wrap this field and the other field in an ``And`` :param other: Another ``Field`` class, instance, or python object to ``Or`` with """ if isinstance(self, And) and self.rolling: self.values.append(other) return self elif isinstance(other, And) and other.rolling: other.values.append(self) return other else: return And(self, other, rolling=True) def __or__(self, other): """Wrap this field and the other field in an ``Or`` :param other: Another ``Field`` class, instance, or python object to ``Or`` with """ if isinstance(self, Or) and self.rolling: self.values.append(other) return self elif isinstance(other, Or) and other.rolling: other.values.append(self) return other else: return Or(self, other, rolling=True) def _odds_val(self): """Determine a new random value derived from the defined :any:`gramfuzz.fields.Field.odds` value. :returns: The derived value """ if len(self.odds) == 0: self.odds = [(1.00, [self.min, self.max])] rand_val = rand.random() total = 0 for percent,v in self.odds: if total <= rand_val < total+percent: break total += percent res = None if isinstance(v, (tuple,list)): rand_func = rand.randfloat if type(v[0]) is float else rand.randint if len(v) == 2: res = rand_func(v[0], v[1]) elif len(v) == 1: res = v[0] else: res = v return res def __repr__(self): res = "<{}".format(self.__class__.__name__) if hasattr(self, "values"): res += "[" + ",".join(repr(v) for v in self.values) res += "]" res += ">" return res
[docs]class Int(Field): """Represents all Integers, with predefined odds that target boundary conditions. """ min = 0 max = 0x10000003 odds = [ (0.75, [-100,100]), (0.05, 0), (0.05, [-0x80-2,-0x80+2]), (0.05, [0x80-2,0x80+2]), (0.05, [-0x100-2,-0x100+2]), (0.05, [0x100-2,0x100+2]), (0.05, [-0x10000-2, -0x10000+2]), (0.05, [0x10000-2, 0x10000+2]), (0.03, 0x80000000), (0.03, -0x80000000), (0.02, [-0x100000000-2, -0x100000000+2]), (0.02, [0x100000000-2, 0x100000000+2]) ]
[docs] def __init__(self, value=None, **kwargs): """Create a new Int object, optionally specifying a hard-coded value :param int value: The value of the new int object :param int min: The minimum value (if value is not specified) :param int max: The maximum value (if value is not specified) :param list odds: The probability list. See ``Field.odds`` for more information. """ self.value = value if "min" in kwargs or "max" in kwargs: self.odds = [] self.min = kwargs.setdefault("min", self.min) self.max = kwargs.setdefault("max", self.max) self.odds = kwargs.setdefault("odds", self.odds)
[docs] def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): """Build the integer, optionally providing a ``pre`` list that *may* be used to define prerequisites for a Field being built. :param list pre: A list of prerequisites to be collected during the building of a Field. :param bool shortest: Whether or not the shortest reference-chain (most minimal) version of the field should be generated. """ if pre is None: pre = [] if self.value is not None and rand.maybe(): return utils.val(self.value, pre, shortest=shortest) if self.min == self.max: return self.min return self._odds_val()
[docs]class UInt(Int): """Defines an unsigned integer ``Field``. """ neg = False odds = [ (0.75, [0,100]), (0.05, 0), (0.05, [0x80-2,0x80+2]), (0.05, [0x100-2,0x100+2]), (0.05, [0x10000-2, 0x10000+2]), (0.03, 0x80000000), (0.02, [0x100000000-2, 0x100000000+2]) ]
[docs]class Float(Int): """Defines a float ``Field`` with odds that define float values """ odds = [ (0.75, [-100.0,100.0]), (0.05, 0), (0.10, [100.0, 1000.0]), (0.10, [-1000.0, 100.0]), (0.10, [1000.0, 100000.0]), (0.10, [-100000.0, -1000.0]), ]
[docs]class UFloat(Float): """Defines an unsigned float field. """ odds = [ (0.75, [0.0,100.0]), (0.05, 0), (0.10, [100.0, 1000.0]), (0.10, [1000.0, 100000.0]), ]
[docs]class String(UInt): """Defines a string field """ min = 0 max = 0x100 odds = [ (0.85, [0,20]), (0.10, 1), (0.025, 0), (0.025, [20,100]), ] """Unlike numeric ``Field`` types, the odds value for the ``String`` field defines the *length* of the field, not characters used in the string. See the :any:`gramfuzz.fields.Field.odds` member for details on the format of the ``odds`` probability list. """ charset_alpha_lower = b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" """A lower-case alphabet character set """ charset_alpha_upper = b"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" """An upper-case alphabet character set """ charset_alpha = charset_alpha_lower + charset_alpha_upper """Upper- and lower-case alphabet """ charset_spaces = b"\n\r\t " """Whitespace character set """ charset_num = b"1234567890" """Numeric character set """ charset_alphanum = charset_alpha + charset_num """Alpha-numeric character set (upper- and lower-case alphabet + numbers) """ charset_all = b"".join(binstr(chr(x)) for x in six.moves.range(0x100)) """All possible binary characters (``0x0-0xff``) """ charset = charset_alpha """The default character set of the ``String`` field class (default=charset_alpha) """
[docs] def __init__(self, value=None, **kwargs): """Create a new instance of the ``String`` field. :param value: The hard-coded value of the String field :param int min: The minimum size of the String when built :param int max: The maximum size of the String when built :param str charset: The character-set to be used when building the string """ super(String, self).__init__(value, **kwargs) self.charset = binstr(kwargs.setdefault("charset", self.charset))
[docs] def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): """Build the String instance :param list pre: The prerequisites list (optional, default=None) :param bool shortest: Whether or not the shortest reference-chain (most minimal) version of the field should be generated. """ if pre is None: pre = [] if self.value is not None and rand.maybe(): return utils.val(self.value, pre, shortest=shortest) length = super(String, self).build(pre, shortest=shortest) res =, self.charset) return res
[docs]class Join(Field): """A ``Field`` subclass that joins other values with a separator. This class works nicely with ``Opt`` values. """ sep = b","
[docs] def __init__(self, *values, **kwargs): """Create a new instance of the ``Join`` class. :param list values: The values to join :param str sep: The string with which to separate each of the values (default=``","``) :param int max: The maximum number of times (inclusive) to build the first item in ``values``. This can be useful when a variable number of items in a list is needed. E.g.: .. code-block:: python Join(Int, max=5, sep=",") """ self.values = list(map(maybe_binstr, values)) self.sep = binstr(kwargs.setdefault("sep", self.sep)) self.max = kwargs.setdefault("max", None)
[docs] def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): """Build the ``Join`` field instance. :param list pre: The prerequisites list :param bool shortest: Whether or not the shortest reference-chain (most minimal) version of the field should be generated. """ if pre is None: pre = [] if self.max is not None: if shortest: vals = [self.values[0]] else: # +1 to make it inclusive vals = [self.values[0]] * rand.randint(1, self.max+1) else: vals = self.values joins = [] for val in vals: try: v = utils.val(val, pre, shortest=shortest) joins.append(v) except errors.OptGram as e: continue return self.sep.join(joins)
[docs]class And(Field): """A ``Field`` subclass that concatenates two values together. This class works nicely with ``Opt`` values. """ sep = b""
[docs] def __init__(self, *values, **kwargs): """Create a new ``And`` field instance. :param list values: The list of values to be concatenated """ self.sep = binstr(kwargs.setdefault("sep", self.sep)) self.values = list(map(maybe_binstr, values)) # to be used internally, is not intended to be set directly by a user self.rolling = kwargs.setdefault("rolling", False) self.fuzzer = GramFuzzer.instance()
[docs] def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): """Build the ``And`` instance :param list pre: The prerequisites list :param bool shortest: Whether or not the shortest reference-chain (most minimal) version of the field should be generated. """ if pre is None: pre = [] res = deque() for x in self.values: try: res.append(utils.val(x, pre, shortest=shortest)) except errors.OptGram as e: continue except errors.FlushGrams as e: prev = "".join(res) res.clear() # this is assuming a scope was pushed! if len(self.fuzzer._scope_stack) == 1: pre.append(prev) else: stmts = self.fuzzer._curr_scope.setdefault("prev_append", deque()) stmts.extend(pre) stmts.append(prev) pre.clear() continue return self.sep.join(res)
[docs]class Q(And): """A ``Field`` subclass that quotes whatever value is provided. """ escape = False """Whether or not the quoted data should be escaped (default=``False``). Uses ``repr(X)`` """ html_js_escape = False """Whether or not the quoted data should be html-javascript escaped (default=``False``) """ quote = b'"' """Which quote character to use if ``escape`` and ``html_js_escape`` are False (default=``'"'``) """
[docs] def __init__(self, *values, **kwargs): """Create the new ``Quote`` instance :param bool escape: Whether or not quoted data should be escaped (default=``False``) :param bool html_js_escape: Whether or not quoted data should be html-javascript escaped (default=``False``) :param str quote: The quote character to be used if ``escape`` and ``html_js_escape`` are ``False`` """ super(Q, self).__init__(*values, **kwargs) self.escape = kwargs.setdefault("escape", self.escape) self.html_js_escape = kwargs.setdefault("html_js_escape", self.html_js_escape) self.quote = kwargs.setdefault("quote", self.quote)
def _repr_escape(self, val): """Perform a repr escape on 'val', trimming the ``b`` off of the resulting data, if it exists. """ res = binstr(repr(val)) # this is safe - res after repr will always start with either a # single quote or a double quote if res.startswith(b"b"): res = res[1:] return res
[docs] def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): """Build the ``Quote`` instance :param list pre: The prerequisites list :param bool shortest: Whether or not the shortest reference-chain (most minimal) version of the field should be generated. """ res = super(Q, self).build(pre, shortest=shortest) if self.escape: return self._repr_escape(res) elif self.html_js_escape: res, _ = codecs.escape_encode(res) return (b"'" + res.replace(b"<", b"\\x3c").replace(b">", b"\\x3e") + b"'") else: return b"".join([self.quote, res, self.quote])
[docs]class Or(Field): """A ``Field`` subclass that chooses one of the provided values at random as the result of a call to the ``build()`` method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *values, **kwargs): """Create a new ``Or`` instance with the provide values :param list values: The list of values to choose randomly from """ # when building with shortest=True, one of these values will # be chosen instead of self.values self.shortest_vals = None self.shortest_indices = None self.values = list(map(maybe_binstr, values)) if "options" in kwargs and len(values) == 0: self.values = list(map(maybe_binstr, kwargs["options"])) self.rolling = kwargs.setdefault("rolling", False)
[docs] def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): """Build the ``Or`` instance :param list pre: The prerequisites list :param bool shortest: Whether or not the shortest reference-chain (most minimal) version of the field should be generated. """ if pre is None: pre = [] # self.shortest_vals will be set by the GramFuzzer and will # contain a list of value options that have a minimal reference # chain # # see # for an in-depth discussion if shortest and self.shortest_vals is not None: chosen_val = rand.choice(self.shortest_vals) else: chosen_val = rand.choice(self.values) return utils.val(chosen_val, pre, shortest=shortest)
[docs]class WeightedOr(Or): """A ``Field`` subclass that chooses one of the provided values at random as the result of a call to the ``build()`` method. Takes an odds array rather than just direct values. Also aliased to ``WOr``. E.g. .. code-block:: python WeightedOr( ("hello", 0.1), # 10% chance (UInt, 0.7), # 70% chance (3.14, 0.3), # 30% chance ) # or WOr( ("hello", 0.1), # 10% chance (UInt, 0.7), # 70% chance (3.14, 0.3), # 30% chance ) """
[docs] def __init__(self, *values, **kwargs): """Create a new ``WeightedOr`` instance with the provided values. :param list values: A list of tuples of the form ``[(value, probability), ...]`` """ # when building with shortest=True, one of these values will # be chosen instead of self.values self.shortest_vals = None # this will also be set by the GramFuzzer and indicates the index within # self.values of each shortest_val so that the correct weight can be used self.shortest_indices = None vals = [x[0] for x in values] self.values= list(map(maybe_binstr, vals)) self.weights = [x[1] for x in values] if abs(1.0 - sum(self.weights)) > 0.0001: raise("Weights in WeightedOr don't sum to 1.0: {}".format(self.weights)) if "options" in kwargs and len(values) == 0: self.values = list(map(maybe_binstr, kwargs["options"])) self.rolling = kwargs.setdefault("rolling", False)
[docs] def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): """ :param list pre: The prerequisites list :param bool shortest: Whether or not the shortest reference-chain (most minimal) version of the field should be generated. """ if pre is None: pre = [] # self.shortest_vals will be set by the GramFuzzer and will # contain a list of value options that have a minimal reference chain # # see # for an in-depth discussion if shortest and self.shortest_vals is not None: chosen_weights = [self.weights[idx] for idx in self.shortest_indices] chosen_vals = self.shortest_vals else: chosen_weights = self.weights chosen_vals = self.values val = rand.weighted_choice(chosen_vals, chosen_weights) return utils.val(val, pre, shortest=shortest)
WOr = WeightedOr
[docs]class Opt(And): """A ``Field`` subclass that randomly chooses to either build the provided values (acts as an ``And`` in that case), or raise an ``errors.OptGram`` exception. When an ``errors.OptGram`` exception is raised, the current value being built is then skipped """ shortest_is_nothing = True prob = 0.5 """The probability of an ``Opt`` instance raising an ``errors.OptGram`` exception """
[docs] def __init__(self, *values, **kwargs): """Create a new ``Opt`` instance :param list values: The list of values to build (or not) :param float prob: A float value between 0 and 1 that defines the probability of cancelling the current build. """ super(Opt, self).__init__(*values, **kwargs) self.prob = kwargs.setdefault("prob", self.prob)
[docs] def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): """Build the current ``Opt`` instance :param list pre: The prerequisites list :param bool shortest: Whether or not the shortest reference-chain (most minimal) version of the field should be generated. """ if pre is None: pre = [] if shortest or rand.maybe(self.prob): raise errors.OptGram return super(Opt, self).build(pre, shortest=shortest)
# ---------------------------- # Non-direct classes # ----------------------------
[docs]class Def(Field): """The ``Def`` class is used to define grammar *rules*. A defined rule has three parts: # Name - A rule name can be declared multiple times. When a rule name with multiple definitions is generated, one of the rule definitions will be chosen at random. # Values - The values of the rule. These will be concatenated (acts the same as an ``And``). # Category - Which category to define the rule in. This is an important step and guides the fuzzer into choosing the correct rule definitions when randomly choosing rules to generate. For example, supposed we defined a grammar for various types of postal addresses. We could have a grammar for US addresses, UK addresses, and Australian addresses. When we want the fuzzer to generate a random address, we would want it to choose one from our US, UK, or Australian address rule and not choose to generate only a zipcode rule. I often have a main ``X`` category, as well as an ``X_def`` category. The ``X`` category is what I tell to the fuzzer to choose from when randomly generating top-level rules. The ``X_def`` category is only used to help build the top-level rules. """ sep = b"" """The separator of values for this rule definition (default=``""``) """ no_prune = False """Whether or not this rule should be pruned if the fuzzer cannot find a way to reach this rule. (default=``False``) """ cat = "default" """The default category of this ``Def`` class (default=``"default"``) """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, *values, **options): """Create a new rule definition. Simply instantiating a new rule definition will add it to the current ``GramFuzzer`` instance. :param str name: The name of the rule being defined :param list values: The list of values that define the value of the rule (will be concatenated when built) :param str cat: The category to create the rule in (default=``"default"``). :param bool no_prune: If this rule should not be pruned *EVEN IF* it is found to be unreachable (default=``False``) """ = name self.options = options self.values = list(map(maybe_binstr, values)) self.sep = binstr(self.options.setdefault("sep", self.sep)) = self.options.setdefault("cat", self.no_prune = self.options.setdefault("no_prune", self.no_prune) self.fuzzer = GramFuzzer.instance() frame,mod_path,_,_,_,_ = inspect.stack()[1] module_name = os.path.basename(mod_path).replace(".pyc", "").replace(".py", "") if "TOP_CAT" in frame.f_locals: self.fuzzer.cat_group_defaults[module_name] = frame.f_locals["TOP_CAT"] self.fuzzer.add_definition(,, self, no_prune=self.no_prune, gram_file=module_name)
[docs] def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): """Build this rule definition :param list pre: The prerequisites list :param bool shortest: Whether or not the shortest reference-chain (most minimal) version of the field should be generated. """ if pre is None: pre = [] res = deque() for value in self.values: try: res.append(utils.val(value, pre, shortest=shortest)) except errors.FlushGrams as e: prev = "".join(res) res.clear() # this is assuming a scope was pushed! if len(self.fuzzer._scope_stack) == 1: pre.append(prev) else: stmts = self.fuzzer._curr_scope.setdefault("prev_append", deque()) stmts.extend(pre) stmts.append(prev) pre.clear() continue except errors.OptGram as e: continue except errors.GramFuzzError as e: print("{} : {}".format(, str(e))) raise return self.sep.join(res)
[docs]class Ref(Field): """The ``Ref`` class is used to reference defined rules by their name. If a rule name is defined multiple times, one will be chosen at random. For example, suppose we have a rule that returns an integer: .. code-block:: python Def("integer", UInt) We could define another rule that creates a ``Float`` by referencing the integer rule twice, and placing a period between them: .. code-block:: python Def("float", Ref("integer"), ".", Ref("integer")) """ cat = "default" """The default category where the referenced rule definition will be looked for """ max_recursion = 10 failsafe = None
[docs] def __init__(self, refname, **kwargs): """Create a new ``Ref`` instance :param str refname: The name of the rule to reference :param str cat: The name of the category the rule is defined in """ self.refname = refname = kwargs.setdefault("cat", self.failsafe = kwargs.setdefault("failsafe", self.failsafe) self.fuzzer = GramFuzzer.instance()
[docs] def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): """Build the ``Ref`` instance by fetching the rule from the GramFuzzer instance and building it :param list pre: The prerequisites list :param bool shortest: Whether or not the shortest reference-chain (most minimal) version of the field should be generated. """ global REF_LEVEL REF_LEVEL += 1 try: if pre is None: pre = [] #print("{:04d} - {} - {}:{}".format(REF_LEVEL, shortest,, self.refname)) definition = self.fuzzer.get_ref(, self.refname) res = utils.val( definition, pre, shortest=(shortest or REF_LEVEL >= self.max_recursion) ) return res # this needs to happen no matter what finally: REF_LEVEL -= 1
def __repr__(self): return "<{}[{}]>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.refname)
# ------------------------------------- # syntactic sugar # -------------------------------------
[docs]class PLUS(Join): """Acts like the + in a regex - one or more of the values. The values are Anded together one or more times, up to ``max`` times. """ sep = b""
[docs] def __init__(self, *values, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("max", 10) kwargs.setdefault("sep", self.sep) value = And(*values) super(PLUS, self).__init__(value, **kwargs)
[docs]class STAR(PLUS): """Acts like the ``*`` in a regex - zero or more of the values. The values are Anded together zero or more times, up to ``max`` times. """ shortest_is_nothing = True
[docs] def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): """Build the STAR field. :param list pre: The prerequisites list :param bool shortest: Whether or not the shortest reference-chain (most minimal) version of the field should be generated. """ if pre is None: pre = [] if shortest: raise errors.OptGram elif rand.maybe(): return super(STAR, self).build(pre, shortest=shortest) else: raise errors.OptGram