Source code for gramfuzz.rand

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

``rand`` is a module that provides ``random`` utilities,
such as:

* globally setting a seed value
* random integers between a range
* random floats between a range
* return ``True`` or ``False`` based on a probability (the ``maybe`` function)
* return random data

import random as r
import six

RANDOM = r.Random()
_randint = RANDOM.randint
random = _random = RANDOM.random
choice = _choice = RANDOM.choice

[docs]def seed(val): """Set the seed for any subsequent random values/choices :param val: The random seed value """ RANDOM.seed(val)
[docs]def weighted_choice(items, probabilities): """Returns a randomly-chosen item from ``items`` using the ``probabilities`` tuple/list to determine probabilities. Assumes all weights add up to 1.0 E.g. .. code-block:: python # 10% chance of 1 # 30% chance of 2 # 60% chance of 3 weighted_choice([1, 2, 3], [0.1, 0.3, 0.6]) """ rand_val = RANDOM.random() total_probability = 0.0 for item, prob in zip(items, probabilities): if total_probability <= rand_val < total_probability+prob: return item total_probability += prob raise Exception("Probabilities did not add up to 1.0")
[docs]def randint(a, b=None): """Return a random integer :param int a: Either the minimum value (inclusive) if ``b`` is set, or the maximum value if ``b`` is not set (non-inclusive, in which case the minimum is implicitly 0) :param int b: The maximum value to generate (non-inclusive) :returns: int """ # need to minus 1 b/c randint has an inclusive maximum if b is None: return _randint(0, a-1) else: return _randint(a, b-1)
[docs]def randfloat(a, b=None): """Return a random float :param float a: Either the minimum value (inclusive) if ``b`` is set, or the maximum value if ``b`` is not set (non-inclusive, in which case the minimum is implicitly 0.0) :param float b: The maximum value to generate (non-inclusive) :returns: float """ if b is None: max_ = a min_ = 0.0 else: min_ = a max_ = b diff = max_ - min_ res = _random() res *= diff res += min_ return res
[docs]def maybe(prob=0.5): """Return ``True`` with ``prob`` probability. :param float prob: The probability ``True`` will be returned :returns: bool """ return _random() < prob
def _binchoice(iterable): """Like random.choice but it works on bytes """ idx = randint(len(iterable)) return iterable[idx:idx+1]
[docs]def data(length, charset): """Generate ``length`` random characters from charset ``charset`` :param int length: The number of characters to randomly generate :param str charset: The charset of characters to choose from :returns: str """ return b"".join(_binchoice(charset) for x in six.moves.range(length))