Source code for gramfuzz.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

Gramfuzz utility functions

import six
import sys

import gramfuzz

[docs]def val(val, pre=None, shortest=False): """Build the provided value, while properly handling native Python types, :any:`gramfuzz.fields.Field` instances, and :any:`gramfuzz.fields.Field` subclasses. :param list pre: The prerequisites list :returns: str """ if pre is None: pre = [] fields = gramfuzz.fields MF = fields.MetaField F = fields.Field if type(val) is MF: val = val() if isinstance(val, F): val =, shortest=shortest) # for ints, floats, etc if not isinstance(val, six.string_types) \ and not isinstance(val, six.binary_type): val = str(val) return binstr(val)
[docs]def binstr(val): """Ensure that ``val`` is of type ``bytes`` """ if isinstance(val, six.binary_type): return val if sys.version_info < (3, 0): return bytes(val) else: return bytes(val, 'utf8')
[docs]def maybe_binstr(val): """Maybe convert ``val`` to a binary string **IF** the value is a string type """ if not isinstance(val, six.string_types): return val return binstr(val)